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skip tracing

skip tracing

Significantly increase your contact success

Find defaulting debtors that cannot be found with our special forensic technology and thus significantly increase your contact rate.

Find new contact information with OSINT

With online skip tracing solution, we provide cutting-edge technology used by law enforcement agencies to locate people and businesses online to find and extract their public contact information.

Less Impact of Late Payment

If you know your customers better, you can act quickly in the event of a payment default.

improve contact rate

Because you have up-to-date contact information
at hand.

Increase in ROI

On your acquired NPL portfolios.

Thats how it works:

Given the information, our forensic web crawlers search and extract relevant publicly available information online.

The results are then analyzed and filtered based on algorithms that match and verify the newly found contact information. Based on your specific needs and feedback, we configure and optimize the solution to maximize results. Once the data process is complete, all data is completely removed from our systems.

For more information click here or contact us!