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MOBILedit Cloud Forensic

MOBILedit Cloud Forensic
Get a complete digital footprint of a suspect
People interact within today’s digital universe through their phones and applications, leaving digital footprints everywhere. For a full and successful digital investigation, it is necessary to analyze all traces. Phone forensics is extremely important, but what is stored in a mobile device is only a snapshot of the overall data. The evidence found in clouds, message platforms, and social networks brings a complete insight into a person’s life. Understand their lifestyle, activities, personality, likes/dislikes, preferences, and social activities through services such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Slack, or Google apps.
With a successful phone examination provided by MOBILedit Forensic PRO, you have almost everything necessary for a successful cloud extraction. This is because phone applications hold precious login information for most cloud services. Even without a phone, you can still access data from cloud services that are used by millions of people multiple times a day, everyday.
MOBILedit Cloud Forensic is a complete cloud data forensic downloader and report generator for the most popular services. It can immediately start downloads when authentication information is found in a phone, and it can run multiple extractions concurrently when time is of the essence.

MOBILedit Cloud Forensic is available in two options to cater to both network forensic interception and mobile device examiners.
The first option is direct integration of Cloud Forensic with
MOBILedit Forensic PRO. With this option, you can extract data from clouds via mobile device connected to MOBILedit
Forensic PRO. The credentials are extracted from the device, and cloud extraction is started as part of the phone
examination process. These credentials are also saved so that an investigator can either use the token or the
account login details at a later date.
The second option is a standalone software product for investigating cloud storage and cloud services without the need to examine mobile devices. Access to clouds using this method requires a password and a username or a token imported from another source.
In both cases, you can investigate more than one cloud at a time, and extractions will run concurrently to help you work faster and retrieve more evidence quickly.
The extractable amount of data is as big as the cloud account. Therefore, you will have to take storage capacity into consideration or filter by time frame at the point of extraction. Additionally, tokens do have an expiration date depending on the service provider.
- Automatic download of clouds using either an authorization token or a username and password credentials. These can be found, extracted, and saved from a phone during extraction and analysis with MOBILedit Forensic PRO.
- Both authorization token access and username and password access are supported. An authorization token is a file saved on a computer or mobile device. It recognizes a device and account to allow a user to log in to a service without having to enter a username and password every time.
- Manual access by entering a user name and password.
- Immediate and concurrent downloads that enable an investigator to work effectively while extracting the maximum amount of data in the shortest time possible. Time is critical because a user can wipe all data, a token could expire, or a password could be changed.
- All data can be filtered and the output customized for reporting.
- Professional reports and exports in the following formats: pdf, html, xml, ufdr, and Excel.
- Full file structure download
- Box
- Dropbox
- Google Drive
- Microsoft OneDrive
- Facebook Messenger
- Google Contacts, Calendar, Keep
- Slack
- Emails such as Gmail, Outlook, and many others through POP3, IMAP protocols
- and more
- By 2025 it is estimated that half of the world’s data will be in the cloud, accounting for 100 zettabytes. That’s 100 billion terabytes of data. *
- The average person is storing 500GB of data in their personal cloud storage. Regarding text documents alone, the average person stores around 130GB of these in the cloud, which equates to 10 million pieces of paper. Now imagine the possible amount of evidence hiding there. **
- Facebook Messenger is one of the leading messaging platforms in the US, with more than 2 million monthly downloads. More than 20 billion messages are exchanged between businesses and users monthly on Facebook Messenger. ***