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While countries slowly start to reopen borders, it is important to do this in a controlled way.
LEAP:GeoID empowers border agencies to screen travelers for COVID-19 related travel routes and minimize pandemic risk. Unlike tracking apps which aim at tracing individuals within the country, LEAP Geo.ID was designed to screen incoming international travelers and focuses on existing processes at borders whilst respecting existing privacy laws.
LEAP:GeoID quickly establishes travel from high risk areas and enables more informed contact tracing by leveraging data from mobile devices. Performing rapid, automated analysis on this data allows the identification of key information relevant to contact tracing and outbreak control.
- Location and Language Analysis to establish origins and travel routes
- Communication Analysis to aid in contact tracing
- Internet search history analysis to identify specific search patterns, like symptoms
- Screening for key terms specific to an outbreak or pandemic emergency using watchlists
- Enrichment with cloud-based data, publicly accessible data from social networks (SOCMINT)
LEAP:GeoID is designed for non-technical users, automatically creating reports which can be used to improve contact tracing and allow details to be shared with other government organisations and health authorities.
LEAP:GeoID can form part of the standard screening process, where the existing workflow allows, or be a secondary screening method used when deemed necessary by border or health officials. For example LEAP Geo.ID can be combined with temperature scanners, enabling easy determination of when mobile data examination is required.
Automated and simplified reporting allows decisions to be made quickly and risk assessments to be more robust.

Extracting personal data and performing manual or indiscriminate analysis invites privacy issues and has the potential to lead to unnecessary invasion into private data. Our solution will only extract and analyse specific data types from a defined time period, producing only a snapshot of necessary data which can be securely deleted once the screening process is complete.
The system utilizes pre-defined extraction and analysis settings which cannot be changed by the standard user, eliminating the possibility of misuse or storage of unnecessary personal data.
- Based on existing data privacy rules
- Analysis of recent data only (14-28 days)
- No analysis of media content (images, videos …)
The solution is deployed on portable stand-alone laptops or integrated into a touch screen kiosk setup, both utilizing a streamlined point-and-click workflow. The focus is on ease-of-us with minimal user-interaction, allowing use by non-technical users as well as providing mobility for flexible deployment. The solution is fully integrated and ready-to-use, combining data extraction and reporting in one package. |

Fast and easy deployment is achievable within a few weeks after procurement with support from local technology partners and integrators.
T3K’s deployment team can offer a remote deployment and commissioning service once hardware is in place. T3K’s expert team are also on hand to provide support and assistance when needed. For seamless integrations T3K can also resort to a global network of system integrators or work with already contracted integrators to match our customer’s needs.
LEAP:GeoID is based on an existing solution which offers more functionality and features by enabling other profiles which then can be used for different scenarios at hospitals, checkpoints, airports and border crossings.

Simple & easy to use
Can be used by technical laymen, because it is fully streamlined and automated.
Data input is broader
Our proposed solution not only utilizes location data, but also other relevant sources.
14–28 day timeframe
Looking at the virus incubation period of up to 14 days, the 28-day timeframe ensures a relevant data snapshot is captured.
Data Privacy
Collected data is not stored longer than necessary and is automatically deleted.
Competing solutions
Other solutions require a minimum of 1-day user training or prior competence with the tools.
Limited data input
Other solutions rely solely on location and network provider data, limiting their scope.
Insufficient timeframe
Other solutions typically limit their data collection to only 14 days, this is insufficient.
Privacy concerns
Other solutions do not have a robust strategy to deal with data retention concerns.
Contact persons
Our experts are happy to help you.

Johannes Seitz
License & Technical Sales
E-MAIL: johannes.seitz@localhost
PHONE: +49 (0) 7275 40444-52